Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thrift Score Photos

I love going thrifting. I love nothing more than digging through junk shops and thrift stores in search of photographs. Now this might seem like a weird hobby. That I have a box of pictures of people I do not know is definitely strange, but for anybody who doesn't know me, I am a writer and I like putting faces to names. Thus, a lot of my characters have faces. It's a nice feeling.

But then I come across some interesting photos. They may not fit any of my characters, but the people in these pictures are so unique and/or strange, that I just have to take them home. They may have a story further down the road, but for now, they're nameless, storyless people who have cool clothes, strange expressions and poses, are located in weird settings, you name it.

That's what this blog is for - to show off some of these finds. Enjoy!

Oh, and before I forget, please ask my permission if you want to use these photographs! Do not take/use without my permission!


  1. first of all I want to say I love your impressions, and reaction to old photos. I am also intrigued by personal items I find at rummage sales, antique shops etc. It's always such a treat to find a card or a letter in the pages of a book. one time I found a book from 1880 with flowers pressed in it. I made up an entire story about who put them there and why. I look forward to seeing more of your pictues!

  2. Stay tuned. :) Like I said, I have tons of old photographs. Most will be "thrift scores", but I think that thrifting through Grandma's basement counts, too, because I've found some pretty amazing family pictures that I'd like to show.
